"I am in tears, while carrying you to your last resting place, as much as I rejoiced when bringing you home in my own hands fifteen years ago."

- ancient Roman epitaph for Patrice the dog

Pugsley the pug

favorite food: french fries
favorite movie: Moonstruck
a tweet about her: "Pugsley eatin treats (pic)" - 2016.06.06

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Pugsley Anne Boomer (2002-2019) was the best pug who ever lived.

She who would purr like a cat and snore like a bulldozer. She was my shadow, my protector, and the best listener in the world. She was there for me when I graduated high school, she was there for me as I worked through college, she was at my wedding, and she was there for me when I moved across the country.

Pugsley made it to age 17, old enough to get a driverā€™s license in most states. By the end of her days, she was unable to walk and had lost both her sight and hearing. I spent many late nights having to spoon-feed her special kibble, or carrying her outside on 2 AM emergency bathroom breaks. It was exhausting but god I'd give anything to do it again.

Jaws the puggle

favorite food: steak
favorite pokemon: Zapdos
a tweet about him: "Jaws had to go to the vet yesterday. diagnosis: chubby" - 2022.03.09

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Are you wondering how Jaws got his name?

Jaws, aka Lockjaw (2012-2022) was some sort of pug-beagle mix with an underbite to end all underbites. Though it did require a little more maintenance - Jaws hated toothbrushing days - it never slowed him down or caused him trouble.

When the shelter told us he was food motivated, they werenā€™t kidding! Whether it was a handful of dropped popcorn or a dog-friendly Thanksgiving plate, Jaws was always excited for his next snack.

Jaws built up a small but loyal following on social media. Between his cute little furrowed brow, bright eyes, and oh my god that smile, he did numbers on Twitter and Instagram. His picture is still floating around on clickbait thumbnails and funny dog compilations. It makes me happy to think that heā€™s still making people laugh even when heā€™s not around.

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Baby the pitbull

favorite food: popcorn
favorite James Bond: Timothy Dalton
a tweet about him: "Iā€™ve had poodles, and Iā€™ve had pugs, but the chillest couch potato lap dog Iā€™ve ever had is a pitbull" - 2022.07.26

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Baby (2016-2023) had a rough start to his life. I donā€™t know the exact details, but between his facial scarring and the way heā€™d flinch when you reached out to pet him, I know it wasnā€™t pretty. His first night home I made him a promise that he would never have to suffer like that again. I donā€™t think he believed me until one night, when a stray cat ran up and started hissing and clawing at him, and I instinctively stepped between the two to protect him. I brought him inside to clean his wounds, and Iā€™ll never forget the way he looked up at me with those big trusting eyes.

He was afraid of everything - bicycles, Starbucks pup cups, certain phone alarms. If we walked by our neighbors and they had a package in their doorway that he wasnā€™t expecting, heā€™d be visibly startled. But no matter how scared he was, I was always there for him, and I hope he knew that.

More than anything, he was a huge lapdog. And I mean both huge in size, and in affection. He loved to curl up on your lap and plonk his massive blockhead down on your thighs. Sometimes heā€™d drool. Sometimes he'd fart himself awake.

Babydog passed away from a sudden illness with his white blood cell count. The two of us spent a few moments together in the vetā€™s office before they had to put him to sleep. He didnā€™t even make it to age ten; Iā€™ll forever be heartbroken that I didnā€™t get to see him as a grumpy old hounddog, with a sugary face full of grey hairs. But Iā€™m also forever grateful that he got to be in my life, even if it was just for a few years..

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